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The children act / Ian McEwan.

by McEwan, Ian [author.].

Publisher: London : Vintage Books, 2014Copyright date: ©2014Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Fiction FIC MCE.
Information technology law / Ian J. Lloyd.

by Lloyd, Ian J [author.].

Edition: Seventh edition.Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2014]Copyright date: ©2014Availability: Items available for reference: City Campus Library [Call number: 343.41099 LLO] (1). Location(s): Level 5 Reference 343.41099 LLO.
Wolf and Stanley on environmental law / Susan Wolf and Neil Stanley.

by Wolf, Susan, 1959- [author.] | Stanley, Neil [author.].

Edition: Sixth edition.Publisher: Abingdon : Routledge, 2014Copyright date: ©2014Availability: Items available for reference: City Campus Library [Call number: 344.42046 WOL] (1). Location(s): Level 5 Reference 344.42046 WOL.
Law for journalists / Frances Quinn.

by Quinn, Frances, 1963- [author.].

Edition: Fourth edition.Publisher: Harlow : Pearson, 2013Copyright date: ©2013Availability: Items available for reference: City Campus Library [Call number: 343.41099 QUI] (1). Location(s): Level 5 Reference 343.41099 QUI.
Unlocking EU law / Tony Storey, Chris Turner.

by Storey, Tony (Law teacher) [author.] | Turner, Chris, 1937- [author.].

Edition: Fourth edition.Publisher: London : Hodder Education, 2014Copyright date: ©2014Availability: Items available for reference: City Campus Library [Call number: 341.2422 STO] (1). Location(s): Level 5 Reference 341.2422 STO.
Housing law handbook / Diane Astin.

by Astin, Diane [author.].

Edition: Third edition.Publisher: London : Legal Action Group, 2015Copyright date: ©2015Availability: Items available for reference: City Campus Library [Call number: 344.42063 AST] (1). Location(s): Level 5 Reference 344.42063 AST.
Scottish legal system / Robert S. Shiels.

by Shiels, Robert S [author.].

Edition: Fourth edition.Publisher: Edinburgh : W. Green, 2015Copyright date: ©2015Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (2). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 349.411 SHI.
The law of Scotland / by W.M. Gloag and R. Candlish Henderson.

by Gloag, W. M. (William Murray), 1865-1934 [author.] | Henderson, R. Candlish (Robert Candlish), 1874- [author.].

Edition: Thirteenth edition.Publisher: Edinburgh : W. Green/Thomson Reuters, 2012Copyright date: ©2012Availability: Items available for reference: City Campus Library [Call number: 349.411 GLO] (1). Location(s): Level 5 Reference 349.411 GLO.
The Internet and the law / Kevin M. Rogers.

by Rogers, Kevin M [author.].

Publisher: Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011Copyright date: ©2011Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 343.099 ROG.
Company law : question & answer / Fang Ma.

by Ma, Fang Fang [author.].

Publisher: Harlow : Longman, 2012Copyright date: ©2012Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 346.42066 MA.
Land law : question & answer / John Duddington.

by Duddington, John [author.].

Edition: Second edition.Publisher: Harlow, England : Pearson, 2014Copyright date: ©2014Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 346.42043 DUD.
Criminology / Noel Cross.

by Cross, Noel [author.].

Publisher: Harlow : Pearson, 2013Copyright date: ©2013Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 345.42 CRO.
Environmental law / Simon Sneddon.

by Sneddon, Simon [author.].

Edition: Second edition.Publisher: Harlow, England : Pearson, 2015Copyright date: ©2015Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 344.41046 SNE.
Blackstone's statutes on criminal law 2014-2015 / edited by Peter Glazebrook.

by Glazebrook, P. R [editor.].

Edition: Twenty-fourth edition.Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014Copyright date: ©2014Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 345.42 BLA.
Blackstone's EU treaties & legislation 2014-2015 / edited by Nigel Foster.

by Foster, Nigel G [editor.].

Edition: Twenty-fifth edition.Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014Copyright date: ©2014Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (2). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 341.2422 BLA.
Blackstone's statutes on commercial & consumer law 2014-2015 / edited by F. D. Rose.

by Rose, F. D. (Francis D.) [editor.].

Edition: Twenty-third edition.Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 346.41107 BLA.
Blackstone's statutes on media law / edited by Richard Caddell and Howard Johnson.

by Caddell, Richard [editor.] | Johnson, Howard, (Howard Allun), 1948- [editor.].

Edition: Fourth edition.Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013Copyright date: ©2013Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 343.41099 23.
Blackstone's statutes on public law & human rights, 2014-2015 / edited by Robert G. Lee.

by Lee, R. G. (Robert Gregory), 1952- [editor.] | Wallington, Peter [editor.].

Edition: Twenty-fourth edition.Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014Copyright date: ©2014Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (2). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 342.41 BLA.
A practical guide to trade mark law / Amanda Michaels, Andrew Norris.

by Michaels, Amanda [author.] | Norris, Andrew (Andrew James Steedsman) [author.].

Edition: Fifth edition.Publisher: New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2014Copyright date: ©2014Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 5 Reference 346.41048 MIC.
Information technology law : the law and society / Andrew Murray.

by Murray, Andrew, 1972- [author].

Edition: Second edition.Publisher: Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, 2013Copyright date: ©2013Availability: Items available for reference: City Campus Library [Call number: 343.41099 MUR] (1). Location(s): Level 5 Reference 343.41099 MUR.
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