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Your search returned 338 results.

Physical activity for health and fitness / Allen W. Jackson ... [et al.].

by Jackson, Allen W [contributor.].

Publisher: Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, c1999Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 613.71 JAC.
Warming up and cooling down / Jo Harris, Jill Elbourn.

by Harris, Jo, 1955- [author.] | Elbourn, Jill, 1959- [author.].

Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, c2001Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (2). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 613.71 HAR.
Skeletal muscle : form and function / Alan J. McComas.

by McComas, Alan J [author.].

Publisher: Champaign, Ill. ; Leeds : Human Kinetics, c1996Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 612.74 MCC.
Physiological assessment of human fitness / Peter J. Maud, Carl Foster.

by Foster, Carl [contributor.] | Maud, Peter J, 1938- [contributor.].

Publisher: Champaign, IL ; Leeds : Human Kinetics, c1995Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 613.702 MAU.
Strength training anatomy / Frédéric Delavier.

by Delavier, Frédéric [author.].

Publisher: Leeds : Human Kinetics, 2001Copyright date: ©2001Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 612 DEL.
Strength training for women / James A. Peterson, Cedric X. Bryant, Susan L. Peterson..

by Peterson, James A, 1943- [author.] | Bryant, Cedric X, 1960- [author.] | Peterson, Susan L [author.].

Publisher: Champaign, IL ; Leeds : Human Kinetics, c1995Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 613.713 PET.
Physical education unit plans for preschool-kindergarten / Bette J. Logsdon ... [et al.].

by Logsdon, Bette J [contributor.].

Publisher: Champaign, Ill ; Leeds : Human Kinetics, c1997Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 372.86 LOG.
Adapted physical education and sport / Joseph P. Winnick [editor].

by Winnick, Joseph P.

Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, c1995Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 5 Lending 796.019 WIN.
Program design for personal trainers : bridging theory into application / Douglas Brooks.

by Brooks, Douglas, 1957- [author.].

Publisher: Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, 1998Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 613.71 BRO.
Pre-exercise health screening guide / Tim Olds and Kevin Norton.

by Olds, Tim [author.] | Norton, Kevin [author.].

Publisher: Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, 1999Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (2). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 613.7 OLD.
Advanced soccer drills.


Publisher: Champaign, Ill. : Human Kinetics, 1997Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 5 Lending 796.334 SCH.
Exercise management : concepts and professional practice / by Laurel T. MacKinnon, Carrie B. Ritchie.

by Mackinnon, Laurel T, 1953- [author.].

Publisher: Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, 2003Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 613.71 MAC.
Physiological aspects of sport training and performance / Jay Hoffman.

by Hoffman, Jay, 1961- [author.].

Publisher: Champaign, Ill. : Human Kinetics, c2002Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 613.711 HOF.
ACSM's exercise management for persons with chronic diseases and disabilities / American College of Sports Medicine.

by American College of Sports Medicine.

Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, c2002Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 615.82 ACS.
Resistance training instruction / Everett Aaberg.

by Aaberg, Everett, 1963- [author.].

Publisher: Leeds : Human Kinetics, 1999Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 613.71 AAB.
Defensive soccer tactics / Jens Bangsbo, Birger Peitersen.

by Bangsbo, J. (Jens) | Peitersen, Birger.

Publisher: Champaign : Human Kinetics, c2002Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 5 Lending 796.334 BAN.

by McAtee, Robert E, 1948- [author.] | Charland, Jeff [author.].

Publisher: Champaign : Human Kinetics, 1999Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 613.711 MCA.
Your personal trainer.

by Brooks, Douglas, 1957- [author.].

Publisher: Illinois : Human Kinetics, 1999Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 613.7 BRO.
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