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Your search returned 289 results.

Practices of looking : an introduction to visual culture / Marita Sturken and Lisa Cartwright.

by Sturken, Marita, 1957- | Cartwright, Lisa, 1959-.

Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (9). Location(s): Level 5 Lending 701.03 STU.
The Oxford guide to writing and speaking / John Seely.

by Seely, John, 1941- [author.].

Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1998Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 428.22 SEE.
Managing construction projects : an information processing approach / Graham M. Winch.

by Winch, Graham.

Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: Chichester : Blackwell Publishing, 2010Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (2). Location(s): Level 5 Lending 690.068 WIN.
Body language : 7 easy lessons to master the silent language / James Borg.

by Borg, James [author.].

Publisher: Harlow : Prentice Hall Life, 2008Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 158.2 BOR.
Taking minutes of meetings / Joanna Gutmann.

by Gutmann, Joanna.

Edition: Rev. 2nd ed.Publisher: London : Kogan Page, 2010Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 5 Lending 651.7 GUT.
Managing across cultures : concepts, policies and practices / by Mohamed Branine.

by Branine, Mohamed.

Publisher: Los Angeles, [Calif.] ; London : SAGE, 2011Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 5 Lending 658.22 BRA.
Branding your business / James Hammond.

by Hammond, James, 1952-.

Edition: Rev. ed.Publisher: London : Kogan Page, 2011Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 5 Lending 658.827 HAM.
Communication excellence : using NLP to supercharge your business skills / Ian R. McLaren.

by McLaren, Ian R.

Publisher: Carmarthen : Crown House, 2000 (2001 [printing])Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 5 Lending 658.45 MCL.
A quick start guide to mobile marketing : how to create a dynamic campaign and improve your competitive advantage / by Neil Richardson.

by Richardson, Neil, 1963 Jan. 25-.

Publisher: London : Kogan Page, 2010Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 5 Lending 658.872 RIC.
Building the mobile Internet / by Mark Grayson, Kevin Shatzkamer, Klaas Wieranga.

by Grayson, Mark, 1965- [author.] | Shatzkamer, Kevin, 1978- [author.] | Wieranga, Klaas [author.].

Publisher: Indianapolis, Ind. : London : Cisco ; Pearson Education [distributor], 2011Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 004.678 GRA.
The social psychology of communication / edited by Derek Hook, Bradley Franks, Martin Bauer.

by Hook, Derek [editor.] | Franks, Bradley [editor.] | Bauer, Martin W [editor.].

Publisher: Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011Online access: Cover image Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 302.2 HOO.
Cross-cultural management in work organisations / Ray French.

by Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: London : Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Riverside Campus Library (1). Location(s): Riverside Staff Development 658.3 FRE.
Write in style : a guide to good English / Richard Palmer.

by Palmer, Richard, 1947- [author.].

Publisher: London : Spon, 1993Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 428 PAL.
An introduction to visual culture / Nicholas Mirzoeff.

by Mirzoeff, Nicholas, 1962- [author.].

Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: Oxon : Routledge, 2009Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 306.47 MIR.
Exploring visual culture : definitions, concepts, contexts / edited by Matthew Rampley.

by Rampley, Matthew [author.].

Publisher: Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2005Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 302.23 RAM.
Visual culture : the reader / edited by Jessica Evans and Stuart Hall.

by Evans, Jessica | Hall, Stuart, 1932-.

Publisher: London : Sage, 1999Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (2). Location(s): Level 5 Lending 700.103 EVA.
Thinking visually / Mark Wigan.

by Wigan, Mark.

Publisher: Lausanne : AVA, 2006Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 5 Lending 741.6 WIG.
Visual communication : from theory to practice / Jonathan Baldwin, Lucienne Roberts.

by Baldwin, Jonathan, 1970- | Roberts, Lucienne.

Publisher: Lausanne : AVA, 2006Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 5 Lending 741.6 BAL.
The leader's guide to influence : how to use soft skills to get hard results / Mike Brent and Fiona Elsa Dent.

by Brent, Mike | Dent, Fiona Elsa.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: Harlow : Pearson Education Limited, 2010Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (2). Location(s): Level 5 Lending 658.409 BRE.
Key concepts in : media and communications / Paul Jones and David Holmes.

by Jones, Paul, 1954- [author.] | Holmes, David, 1962- [author.].

Publisher: London : SAGE, 2011Availability: Items available for loan: City Campus Library (1). Location(s): Level 4 Lending 302.2 JON.
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